Mar 14, 2018News and ReflectionThis post has two parts; news & reflection. So first, I’ve got some news… I’ve got a new job! Hallelujah! It has been a long time coming...
Mar 1, 2018There Was SomethingWe were built to build. We were made to make. We were formed to form. At one point, there was nothing. Then, there was something....
Feb 8, 2018PermissionSomewhere along the line, I picked up the idea that doubt was big, bad and scary. It sure would be nice to blame someone, but I don’t...
Jan 30, 2018It’s OkayI remember the first time somebody “got it”. They heard my thoughts on faith, doubt, belief and mystery and they understood. It was a...
Jan 24, 2018Affirmation to CelebrationDisclaimer: I am aware that differences in opinion can be divisive. Division is not meant to be the spirit of this post. I hope that in...
Jan 4, 2018The KeysIt sure is nice to feel in control. It feels powerful. It feels comfortable. It promises protection. It makes everything simple and...
Dec 6, 2017Waiting – Part 2A part of being human is our ability to forecast. We take a few variables and project potential outcomes. This can be incredibly useful...
Sep 16, 2017Humility and an Open HandMost people think they are above average. Think about that. It’s pretty funny. There is literally no way it can be true. We think more...
Sep 15, 2017Babies And BathwaterSometimes it is necessary to throw out some things. But almost never do we need to throw out everything. The bathwater can go, but the...
Sep 14, 2017Why Question (Part 3)Questioning, by nature, causes people to think more deeply. When we ask questions, it spurs contemplation. Questions unlock...